

iEDA大约 4 分钟


1 模块划分与说明


图1 iEDA工具流程

├── design                   #iEDA flows for different designs
│   ├── ispd18               #tbd
│   └── sky130_gcd           #flow of gcd in sky130
│       ├── iEDA             
│       ├── iEDA_config      # iEDA parameters configuration files
│       ├── README.md
│       ├── result           # iEDA result output files
│       ├── run_iEDA_gui.py  # Python3 script for running all iEDA flow with GUI layout
│       ├── run_iEDA.py      # Python3 script for running all iEDA flow
│       ├── run_iEDA.sh      # POSIX shell script for running all iEDA flow
│       └── script           # TCL script files
├── foundry
│   ├── README.md
│   └── sky130               # SkyWater Open Source PDK
│       ├── lef              # lef files
│       ├── lib              # lib files
│       ├── sdc              # sdc files
│       └── spef             # folder for spef files if needed
└── hello.tcl                # Test running iEDA



图2 iEDA-Script工程目录划分,其中run_iEDA.py为脚本主入口

├── DB_script                           # Data process flow scripts
│   ├── db_init_lef.tcl                 # initialize lef
│   ├── db_init_lib_drv.tcl             # initialize lib only for flow of drv 
│   ├── db_init_lib_fixfanout.tcl       # initialize lib only for flow of fix fanout
│   ├── db_init_lib_hold.tcl            # initialize lib only for flow of optimize hold
│   ├── db_init_lib_setup.tcl           # initialize lib only for flow of optimize setup
│   ├── db_init_lib.tcl                 # initialize lib for common flow
│   ├── db_init_sdc.tcl                 # initialize sdc 
│   ├── db_init_spef.tcl                # initialize spef
│   ├── db_path_setting.tcl             # set paths for all processing technology files, including TechLEF,LEF, Lib, sdc and spef
│   ├── run_db_checknet.tcl             # check net connectivity based on data built by DEF (.def) and LEF (.lef & .tlef)
│   ├── run_db_report_evl.tcl           # report wire length and congestion based on data built by DEF (.def) and LEF (.lef & .tlef)
│   ├── run_db.tcl                      # test building data by DEF (.def) and LEF (.lef & .tlef)
│   ├── run_def_to_gds_text.tcl         # transform data from DEF (.def) to GDSII (.gdsii)
│   ├── run_def_to_verilog.tcl          # transform data from DEF (.def) to netlist (.v)
│   ├── run_netlist_to_def.tcl          # transform data from netlist (.v) to DEF (.def)
│   └── run_read_verilog.tcl            # test read verilog file (.v)
├── iCTS_script                         # CTS flow scripts
│   ├── run_iCTS_eval.tcl               # report wire legnth for CTS result
│   ├── run_iCTS_STA.tcl                # report CTS STA
│   └── run_iCTS.tcl                    # run CTS
├── iDRC_script                         # DRC(Design Rule Check) flow scipts
│   ├── run_iDRC_gui.tcl                # show GUI for DRC result
│   └── run_iDRC.tcl                    # run DRC
├── iFP_script                          # Floorplan flow scripts
│   ├── module                          # submodule for Floorplan scripts
│   │   ├── create_tracks.tcl           # create tracks for routing layers
│   │   ├── pdn.tcl                     # create pdn networks 
│   │   └── set_clocknet.tcl            # set clock net
│   └── run_iFP.tcl                     # run Floorplan
├── iGUI_script                         # GUI flow scipts
│   └── run_iGUI.tcl                    # run GUI
├── iNO_script                          # NO(Netlist Optimization) flow scipts
│   └── run_iNO_fix_fanout.tcl          # run Fix Fanout
├── iPL_script                          # Placement flow scripts
│   ├── run_iPL_eval.tcl                # report congestion statistics and wire legnth for Placement result
│   ├── run_iPL_filler.tcl              # run standard cell filler
│   ├── run_iPL_gui.tcl                 # run gui flow that shows Global Placement Processing result
│   ├── run_iPL_legalization_eval.tcl   # report congestion statistics and wire legnth for Legalization result
│   ├── run_iPL_legalization.tcl        # run Cell Legalization
│   └── run_iPL.tcl                     # run Placement
├── iRT_script                          # Routing flow scripts
│   ├── run_iRT_DRC.tcl                 # run DRC for Routing result
│   ├── run_iRT_eval.tcl                # report wire legnth for Routing result
│   ├── run_iRT_STA.tcl                 # run STA for Routing result
│   └── run_iRT.tcl                     # run Routing
├── iSTA_script                         # STA flow scripts
│   ├── init_iSTA.tcl                   # STA initialization
│   ├── report_iSTA.tcl                 # report STA result
│   └── run_iSTA.tcl                    # run STA
└── iTO_script                          # TO(Timing Optimization) flow script
    ├── run_iTO_drv_STA.tcl             # run STA for DRV result
    ├── run_iTO_drv.tcl                 # run DRV
    ├── run_iTO_hold_STA.tcl            # run STA for Fix Hold Violation result
    ├── run_iTO_hold.tcl                # run Fix Hold Violation
    ├── run_iTO_setup_STA.tcl           # run STA for Fix Setup Violation result
    └── run_iTO_setup.tcl               # run Fix Setup Violation

2 Flow运行流程


不管是自动运行顶层 run_iEDA.py 脚本还是单独运行点工具脚本,基于 iEDA 平台设计的脚本都有着相似的步骤,具体流程如下

step 1 路径设置

首先必须先配置工艺环境路径,为方便查找和配置路径参数,脚本将TechLEF、LEF、Lib、sdc、spef的路径统一在文件 ./script/DB_script/db_path_setting.tcl配置,如下表所示

功能配置命令参考 TCL 样例
设置 TechLef 路径set TECH_LEF_PATH xxxset TECH_LEF_PATH "./lef/sky130_fd_sc_hs.tlef"
设置 Lef 路径set LEF_PATH xxxset LEF_PATH ./lef/sky130_ef_io__com_bus_slice_10um.lef
设置 Lib 路径set LIB_PATH xxxset LIB_PATH ./lib/sky130_dummy_io.lib
设置 Fix Fanout Lib 路径set LIB_PATH_FIXFANOUT xxxset LIB_PATH_FIXFANOUT ./lib/sky130_dummy_io.lib
设置 Fix DRV Violation Lib 路径set LIB_PATH_DRV xxxset LIB_PATH_DRV ./lib/sky130_dummy_io.lib
设置 Fix Hold Violation Lib 路径set LIB_PATH_HOLD xxxset LIB_PATH_HOLD ./lib/sky130_dummy_io.lib
设置 Fix Setup Violation Lib 路径set LIB_PATH_SETUP xxxset LIB_PATH_SETUP ./lib/sky130_dummy_io.lib
设置 SDC 路径set SDC_PATH xxxset SDC_PATH "./sdc/gcd.sdc"
设置 SPEF 路径set SPEF_PATH xxxset SPEF_PATH "./spef/xxx.spef"

step 2 配置点工具Config
所有点工具的参数设置Config都在路径 ./iEDA_config 中,可查看后面章节的 输入输出一览表 修改对应的点工具Config文件

step 3 读 .def 设计文件
以 CTS 为例,执行 def_init 命令,读取布局后的结果

##   read def
def_init -path ./result/iPL_result.def

步骤 1 - 3 后,Tech LEF、LEF、DEF 文件数据将被加载,这是点工具启动的前提条件

step 4 启动点工具
以 CTS 为例,执行 run_cts 命令,将启动 CTS 流程

##   run CTS
run_cts -config ./iEDA_config/cts_default_config.json

step 5 保存点工具运行结果
以 CTS 为例,执行完点工具流程后,将点工具运行结果保存在路径 ./result/ 中

##   Save def
def_save -path ./result/iCTS_result.def

##   Save netlist 
netlist_save -path ./result/iCTS_result.v -exclude_cell_names {}

step 6 输出报告
以 CTS 为例,数据存储后,将输出设计结果相关的总体报告,报告路径存储在 ./result/report/ 中

##   report 
report_db -path "./result/report/cts_db.rpt"

step 7 退出

##   Exit 

以上步骤为执行单个点工具的一般流程,其中步骤 1 - 3 初始化配置和数据库,为必须的步骤,步骤 4 之后,可以按照需求灵活接入各个点工具或模块命令