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iPA - Power Analysis

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iPower User Manual

Introduction to iPower

Software Architecture Diagram


Supported Features

  • Supports parsing VCD waveform files.
  • Supports outputting power analysis reports, including different types of power consumption (internal power, switching power, and leakage power) and different grouped power consumption (clock network, combinational logic, sequential logic, etc.).

Example of Using the iPower Tool

Writing a tcl File (run_ipw.tcl)

  • Example tcl file:../source/data/example1/run_ipw.tcl

First, according to the iSTA README.mdopen in new window, complete the parsing of verilog,.lib files, link design, parse sdc, spef files, perform timing analysis and obtain the timing report.

Parsing the vcd File

read_vcd test.vcd -top_name top-i

Obtaining the Power Report


Running iPower Through the tcl File

./iPower run_ipwr.tcl