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iPL - Placement Tool

iEDAAbout 8 min

Introduction to the iPL Placement Tool

1. Background Introduction

  1. Placement Problem: Given a set of cells with connection relationships (nets) and a placement area, the placement places the cells. The general placement goal is to minimize the total wire length/timing/power consumption of the nets, and requires the cells to meet the legality requirements (within the placement area, aligned with Rows/Sites, and no overlap between cells, etc.).
  • Net: A single net can connect multiple Pin points (Pin points are located on the cells or at the IO); The routing direction of the net is only horizontal and vertical.
  • Cell: The shape is usually rectangular. Cell types include macro cells, standard cells (timing cells, logic cells), etc.; Cell states include fixed and to be placed.

Figure 1 Main Flowchart of iPL

2. Main Implementations

2.1 Function Implementations

Figure 5 The main placement process implemented in iPL. Solving large-scale placement problems in one step is NP-hard. Therefore, it is generally divided into three stages: global placement, legalization, and detailed placement.

  • Place std cell into proper location
    • Satisfy layer poly, well, contact, and metal 1 design rule
    • Optimize wirelength, timing, congestion
  • Place macro cell location automatically
  • Incremental placement
  • Timing-driven placement (coming soon)
  • Congestion-driven placement (coming soon)

Figure 6 Schematic Diagram of Placement

2.2 Tool API Implementations

Method NameSub-methodTypeParameter ListReturn ValueMethod Description
initAPI*actionpl_json_path, idb_builderselfInitialize iPL
runFlowrunGPactionvoidselfRun global placement
runFlowrunBufferInsertionactionvoidselfRun buffer insertion
runFlowrunLGactionvoidselfRun legalization
runFlowrunDPactionvoidselfRun detailed placement
runFlowwriteBackSourceDataBaseactionvoidselfWrite back placement data to the data source
runIncrLG*actioninst_listselfRun incremental legalization
updatePlacerDB*actionvoid/inst_listselfUpdate (specified) data from the data source
obtainAvailableWhiteSpaceList*actionrow_range, site_rangerectanglelistObtain the available placement space in the specified area (for inserting cells)
checkLegality*accessorvoidboolCheck the legality of the current placement result
isSTAStarted*accessorvoidboolCheck if STA has been started
isPlacerDBStarted*accessorvoidboolCheck if PlacerDB has been initialized
isAbucasLGStarted*accessorvoidboolCheck if the Abucas legalizer has been started
reportPLInforeportHPWLInfoaccessorfeedselfReport HPWL information
reportPLInforeportSTWLInfoaccessorfeedselfReport STWL information
reportPLInforeportLongNetInfoaccessorfeedselfReport long net information
reportPLInforeportLayoutInfoaccessorfeedselfReport layout violation information
reportPLInforeportPeakBinDensityaccessorfeedselfReport the peak density of the Bin area
reportPLInforeportTimingInfoaccessorfeedselfReport layout timing information
reportPLInforeportCongestionInfoaccessorfeedselfReport layout congestion information
obtainTimingInfoobtainPinEarly(Late)Slackactionpin_namevalueObtain the Slack information on the Pin
obtainTimingInfoobtainPinEarly(Late)ArrivalTimeactionpin_namevalueObtain the ArrivalTime information on the Pin
obtainTimingInfoobtainPinEarly(Late)RequiredTimeactionpin_namevalueObtain the RequiredTime information on the Pin
obtainTimingInfoobtainWNS/TNSactionclk_namevalueObtain WNS/TNS information
obtainTimingInfoupdateTimingactionvoidselfUpdate timing evaluation
obtainCongesionInfoobtainPinDensactionvoidvalueObtain Pin Density information
obtainCongesionInfoobtainNetCongactionrudy_typevalueObtain net congestion information
obtainCongesionInfoevalGRCongactionvoidvalueUpdate congestion evaluation

3. Key Technologies

3.1 Module Design

Figure 7 Division of iPL Modules

  • PlacerDB Module: Encapsulates and maintains the layout data (layout) and design data (Design) required for placement
  • Operator Module: Extracts placement data for operation, calls the solver module for solving during the process, the evaluator module for evaluating indicators, and the checker module for checking the placement result
  • Solver Module: A collection of mature solving tools to assist in placement
  • Checker Module: Conduct violation checks, functional detections, and report output on the current placement. Evaluator Module: Evaluate the current placement indicators
  • Wrapper Module: Read placement data from the data source and write the placement result back to the data source
  • API: The interaction interface between iPL and the outside

3.2 Routing Feasibility Solution

  • Wirelength Gradient: WA Wirelength Smooth Model
  • Density Gradient: e-Density Electrostatic Field Model
  • Optimization Algorithm: Nesterov Gradient Descent Algorithm
  • Congestion Evaluation Method (API provided by iEDA evaluator):
    • LUT-RUDY (Look Up Table-based RUDY)
    • Early-GR
  • Fine-grained Cell Expansion:
    • Select cells in peak congestion grids for expansion
    • Independent expansion in H/V directions
    • Dynamic expansion rate adjustment
    • Superlinear expansion index correction

When all cells in the global placement are spread out enough (density overflow < 0.2), start evaluating and optimizing the routing feasibility.

Figure 8 Process of iPL Routing Feasibility Solution

4. Input and Output


  • Netlist optimization def file./result/iTO_fix_fanout_result.def



Evaluation and Report


The intermediate reports of the iPL tool are stored in the directory by default: ./scripts/design/sky130_gcd/result/pl/

Figure 9 Checking whether the current placement result has violations. The detailed violation situation is in the file violation_record.txt in the same-level directory

Figure 10 Wire length index report of placement optimization. The detailed report of long nets is in the file wirelength_record.txt in the same-level directory; The density information of cell distribution, the detailed report is in the file density_record.txt in the same-level directory; The timing information of the placement result, the detailed report is in the file timing_record.txt in the same-level directory; The routing feasibility information of the placement result, the detailed report is in the file congestion_record.txt in the same-level directory

  • report/violation_record.txt : Cells with placement violations
  • report/wirelength_record.txt : Statistics of HPWL wire length, STWL wire length, and long wire length of the placement
  • report/density_record.txt : Peak bin density of the placement
  • report/timing_record.txt : Timing information of the placement (wns, tns), calling Flute for simple routing
  • report/congestion_record.txt : Routing feasibility information of the placement

5 Parameter Description

Refer to iEDA_config/pl_default_config.json: ./scripts/design/sky130_gcd/iEDA_config/pl_default_config.json

Parameter NameFunction DescriptionParameter RangeDefault Value
is_max_length_optWhether to enable maximum wire length optimization[0,1]0
max_length_constraintSpecify the maximum wire length[0-1000000]1000000
is_timing_aware_modeWhether to enable timing mode[0,1]0
ignore_net_degreeIgnore nets with more than the specified number of pins[10-10000]100
num_threadsSpecify the number of CPU threads[1-64]8
[GP-Wirelength] init_wirelength_coefSet the initial wire length coefficient[0.0-1.0]0.25
[GP-Wirelength] reference_hpwlAdjust the reference wire length for density penalty[100-1000000]446000000
[GP-Wirelength] min_wirelength_force_barControl the wire length boundary[-1000-0]-300
[GP-Density] target_densitySpecify the target density[0.0-1.0]0.8
[GP-Density] bin_cnt_xSpecify the number of Bins in the horizontal direction[16,32,64,128,256,512,1024]512
[GP-Density] bin_cnt_ySpecify the number of Bins in the vertical direction[16,32,64,128,256,512,1024]512
[GP-Nesterov] max_iterSpecify the maximum number of iterations[50-2000]2000
[GP-Nesterov] max_backtrackSpecify the maximum number of backtracks[0-100]10
[GP-Nesterov] init_density_penaltySpecify the density penalty in the initial state[0.0-1.0]0.00008
[GP-Nesterov] target_overflowSpecify the target overflow value[0.0-1.0]0.1
[GP-Nesterov] initial_prev_coordi_update_coefThe coefficient when perturbing the initial coordinates[10-10000]100
[GP-Nesterov] min_preconditionSet the minimum value of the precondition[1-100]1
[GP-Nesterov] min_phi_coefSet the minimum phi parameter[0.0-1.0]0.95
[GP-Nesterov] max_phi_coefSet the maximum phi parameter[0.0-1.0]1.05
[BUFFER] max_buffer_numSpecify the maximum number of buffers to be inserted[0-1000000]35000
[BUFFER] buffer_typeSpecify the name of the buffer type that can be insertedProcess-relatedList[...,...]
[LG] max_displacementSpecify the maximum displacement of cells[10000-1000000]50000
[LG] global_right_paddingSpecify the spacing between cells (in units of Site)[0,1,2,3,4...]1
[DP] max_displacementSpecify the maximum displacement of cells[10000-1000000]50000
[DP] global_right_paddingSpecify the spacing between cells (in units of Site)[0,1,2,3,4...]1
[Filler] first_iterSpecify the Filler used in the first iterationProcess-relatedList[...,...]
[Filler] second_iterSpecify the Filler used in the second iterationProcess-relatedList[...,...]
[Filler] min_filler_widthSpecify the minimum width of the Filler (in units of Site)Process-related1
[MP] fixed_macroSpecify the fixed macro unit (string macro_name)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] fixed_macro_coordinateSpecify the position coordinates of the fixed macro unit (int location_x, int location_y)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] blockageSpecify the rectangular blocking area of the macro unit, and the macro unit should avoid being placed in this area (int left_bottom_x, int left_bottom_y, int right_top_x, int right_top_y)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] guidance_macroSpecify the macro unit for guidance placement, and each macro unit can set the expected placement area (string macro_name)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] guidanceSpecify the guidance placement area corresponding to the macro unit (int left_bottom_x, int left_bottom_y, int right_top_x, int right_top_y)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] solution_typeSpecify the representation of the solution["BStarTree","SequencePair"]"BStarTree"
[MP] perturb_per_stepSpecify the number of perturbations per step in the simulated annealing[10-1000]100
[MP] cool_rateSpecify the cooling rate of the simulated annealing temperature[0.0-1.0]0.92
[MP] partsSpecify the number of partitions of standard cells (int)[10-100]66
[MP] ufactorSpecify the unbalance value of the standard cell partition (int)[10-1000]100
[MP] new_macro_densitySpecify the density of the virtual macro unit[0.0-1.0]0.6
[MP] halo_xSpecify the halo in the horizontal direction of the macro unit[0-1000000]0
[MP] halo_ySpecify the halo in the vertical direction of the macro unit[0-1000000]0
[MP] output_pathSpecify the output file path"./result/pl"

Supported Functions

  • Support global placement, legalization, and detailed placement of standard cells;
  • Support conducting violation checks on the placement result, reporting wire length, density, timing, and congestion in the placement stage
  • Support inserting buffers during the placement stage for long wire optimization;
  • Support incremental legalization;
  • Timing optimization and congestion optimization are further improved;

iPL Usage Example

Startup via tcl

Refer to iPL_script/run_iPL.tcl: <ieda_path>/scripts/design/sky130_gcd/script/iPL_script/run_iPL.tcl

Tcl commands supported by iPL

run_placer -conifg <config_path> // Run the entire iPL completely
run_filler -conifg <config_path> // Fill the blank areas of the placement with cells
run_incremental_flow -conifg <config_path> // Re-legalize the result of changing the cell positions
run_incremental_lg // Perform incremental legalization. Ensure iPL has been run
placer_check_legality // Check the legality of the current placement
placer_report // Report the status of the current placement
init_pl -conifg <config_path> // Initialize the placer
destroy_pl // Destroy the placer
placer_run_mp // Perform macro cell placement
placer_run_gp // Perform global placement of standard cells
placer_run_lg // Perform legalization of standard cells
placer_run_dp // Perform detailed placement of standard cells

Config Configuration File

Refer to iEDA_config/pl_default_config.json: <ieda_path>/scripts/design/sky130_gcd/iEDA_config/pl_default_config.json

JSON ParameterFunction DescriptionParameter RangeDefault Value
is_max_length_optWhether to enable maximum wire length optimization[0,1]0
max_length_constraintSpecify the maximum wire length[0-1000000]1000000
is_timing_effortWhether to enable timing optimization mode[0,1]0
is_congestion_effortWhether to enable routability optimization mode
ignore_net_degreeIgnore nets with more than the specified number of pins[10-10000]100
num_threadsSpecify the number of CPU threads[1-64]8
[GP-Wirelength] init_wirelength_coefSet the initial wire length coefficient[0.0 - 1.0]0.25
[GP-Wirelength] reference_hpwlAdjust the reference wire length for density penalty[100 - 1000000]446000000
[GP-Wirelength] min_wirelength_force_barControl the wire length boundary[-1000 - 0]-300
[GP-Density] target_densitySpecify the target density[0.0 - 1.0]0.8
[GP-Density] bin_cnt_xSpecify the number of Bins in the horizontal direction[16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]512
[GP-Density] bin_cnt_ySpecify the number of Bins in the vertical direction[16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]512
[GP-Nesterov] max_iterSpecify the maximum number of iterations[50 - 2000]2000
[GP-Nesterov] max_backtrackSpecify the maximum number of backtracks[0 - 100]10
[GP-Nesterov] init_density_penaltySpecify the density penalty in the initial state[0.0 - 1.0]0.00008
[GP-Nesterov] target_overflowSpecify the target overflow value[0.0 - 1.0]0.1
[GP-Nesterov] initial_prev_coordi_update_coefThe coefficient when perturbing the initial coordinates[10 - 10000]100
[GP-Nesterov] min_preconditionSet the minimum value of the precondition[1 - 100]1
[GP-Nesterov] min_phi_coefSet the minimum phi parameter[0.0 - 1.0]0.95
[GP-Nesterov] max_phi_coefSet the maximum phi parameter[0.0 - 1.0]1.05
[BUFFER] max_buffer_numSpecify the maximum number of buffers to be inserted[0 - 1000000]35000
[BUFFER] buffer_typeSpecify the name of the buffer type that can be insertedProcess-relatedList[...,...]
[LG] max_displacementSpecify the maximum displacement of cells[10000 - 1000000]50000
[LG] global_right_paddingSpecify the spacing between cells (in units of Site)[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...]1
[DP] max_displacementSpecify the maximum displacement of cells[10000 - 1000000]50000
[DP] global_right_paddingSpecify the spacing between cells (in units of Site)[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...]1
[Filler] first_iterSpecify the Filler used in the first iterationProcess-relatedList[...,...]
[Filler] second_iterSpecify the Filler used in the second iterationProcess-relatedList[...,...]
[Filler] min_filler_widthSpecify the minimum width of the Filler (in units of Site)Process-related1
[MP] fixed_macroSpecify the fixed macro unit (string macro_name)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] fixed_macro_coordinateSpecify the position coordinates of the fixed macro unit (int location_x, int location_y)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] blockageSpecify the rectangular blocking area of the macro unit, and the macro unit should avoid being placed in this area (int left_bottom_x, int left_bottom_y, int right_top_x, int right_top_y)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] guidance_macroSpecify the macro unit for guidance placement, and each macro unit can set the expected placement area (string macro_name)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] guidanceSpecify the guidance placement area corresponding to the macro unit (int left_bottom_x, int left_bottom_y, int right_top_x, int right_top_y)Design-relatedList[...,...]
[MP] solution_typeSpecify the representation of the solution["BStarTree", "SequencePair"]"BStarTree"
[MP] perturb_per_stepSpecify the number of perturbations per step in the simulated annealing[10 - 1000]100
[MP] cool_rateSpecify the cooling rate of the simulated annealing temperature[0.0 - 1.0]0.92
[MP] partsSpecify the number of partitions of standard cells (int)[10 - 100]66
[MP] ufactorSpecify the unbalance value of the standard cell partition (int)[10 - 1000]100
[MP] new_macro_densitySpecify the density of the virtual macro unit[0.0 - 1.0]0.6
[MP] halo_xSpecify the halo in the horizontal direction of the macro unit[0 - 1000000]0
[MP] halo_ySpecify the halo in the vertical direction of the macro unit[0 - 1000000]0

Running Log and Report

Stored in the directory by default: <ieda_path>/scripts/design/sky130_gcd/result/pl/

  • report/violation_record.txt : Cells with placement violations
  • report/wirelength_record.txt : Statistics of HPWL wire length, STWL wire length, and long wire length of the placement
  • report/density_record.txt : Peak bin density of the placement
  • report/timing_record.txt : Timing information of the placement (wns, tns), calling Flute for simple routing